Basho's Frogger Roll (2025)

1. Basho's Frogger and Jabber - Electronic Literature Collection

  • Bevat niet: roll | Resultaten tonen met:roll

  •   Letter to Linus :

2. 5 Translations of the Frog Pond Haiku by Matsuo Bashō

  • 9 mrt 2015 · 5 Translations of the Frog Pond Haiku by Matsuo Bashō. Basho's frog and pond haiku has been translated many times by many authors. Looking ...

  • Basho’s frog and pond haiku has been translated many times by many authors. Looking through some of these translations, I’ve found the following poems, which I consider my favorites. I did not look at the authors until after reading the poems, and Lo, some of these are my favorite authors too! (1) The old pond, […]

3. Frogs – matsuo-basho-haiku

  • Scholars say this haiku marked Basho's coming of age. Written in 1686, Basho was now 46 years old, a mature poet, comfortable in his name, Basho, chosen because ...

  • Posts about Frogs written by philo-sophic-ally-speaking

Frogs – matsuo-basho-haiku

4. Adrienne Dodt | SRPR Blog - Spoon River Poetry Review

5. Basho's Frog Haiku: 32 Translations - Bureau of Public Secrets

  • Bevat niet: roll | Resultaten tonen met:roll

  • The original Japanese:

6. Third Hand Plays: The Comedy of Reduction - Open Space - SFMOMA

  • 26 jul 2011 · ... Basho's Frogger (whose entire text is the “frg ... roll) recursion — you'll hear about this shortly. “Muds,” by Jhave. Tags: Basho's Frogger ...

  • Poets have played with the idea of absolute compression since the start of the tradition — epigrams and haiku are two of the oldest forms of poetry — yet it’s not until the 20th century that one sees this trend extend to poems of under, say, five or ten words. Apollinaire included a one-sentence poem (called […]

Third Hand Plays: The Comedy of Reduction - Open Space - SFMOMA

7. Laughing with Basho ( Humanity and Friendship ) - Basho4Humanity

  • Basho and his follower Tokoku, using the alias Mangiku-maru, were travelling together and sent a letter to Basho's childhood friend Isen in Iga with this ...

  • The only substantial collection in English of Basho's linked verse, prose, letters, and spoken word, selected for their expression of humanity, of women and children, of joy and caring, along with commentaries to enable the ordinary reader to understand and enjoy Basho's hidden meanings. Laughing with Basho is the topic of this article.

8. Basho's frog - Ecosystem Sound

9. norbert blei | variations on basho's frog - Bashō's Road

  • Bevat niet: roll | Resultaten tonen met:roll

  • Painting by Lucha of Arcadia aka Marie Skrobot, Ellison Bay, WI, USA Variations on Bashō’s Frog Editor’s note: I’ve been collecting variations on the theme of Bashō’s crow for many years (on a with…

norbert blei | variations on basho's frog - Bashō's Road

10. Boohbah |

  • 24 nov 2011 · Basho Battles (1), Basil (Dragon Ball) Battles (1), Basil Battles (1) ... Frogger Battles (2), Frost Giant Hrimthurs Battles (1), Frostbite ...

  • A show about the basics. Overall 5 Achievements Watched It Things to do Watch Whole Series Own Whole Series

Boohbah |

11. Liste_de_jeux_Hyperspin_2_to.txt - Arcadeo

  • ... Frogger (Parker Brothers) (USA) Frogger 64 (Europe) Frogrun 64 (Europe) ... Basho de (Japan) Golden Axe (Japan) Gransta Chronicle (Japan) Guilty Gear ...

  • 3 DO (100 jeux) Battle Chess (USA) BattleSport (USA) BC Racers (USA, Europe) Blade Force (USA) Brain Dead 13 Starring Fritz (USA) (Disc 1) Brain Dead 13 Starring Fritz (USA) (Disc 2) Burning Soldier (USA) Bust-A-Move (USA) Captain Quazar (USA) Casper (USA) Club 3DO - Station Invasion (USA) Corpse Killer (USA) Cowboy Casino - Interactive Poker (USA) Creature Shock (USA) (Disc 1) Creature Shock (USA) (Disc 2) Cyberdillo (USA) Cyberia (USA) D (USA, Europe) (Disc 1) D (USA, Europe) (Disc 2) DeathKeep (USA) Defcon 5 - Incoming (Europe) Demolition Man (USA) Escape from Monster Manor - A Terrifying Hunt for the Undead Family Feud (USA) FIFA International Soccer (USA) Flashback - The Quest for Identity (USA) Foes of Ali (USA) Gex (USA, Europe) Gridders (USA) Guardian War (USA) Hell - A Cyberpunk Thriller (USA) Horde, The (USA) Icebreaker (USA) Immercenary (USA) Incredible Machine, The (USA) Iron Angel of the Apocalypse - The Return (USA) Iron Angel of the Apocalypse (USA) Jammit (USA) Jurassic Park Interactive (USA) Killing Time (USA) Kingdom - The Far Reaches (USA, Europe) Lemmings (USA) Lucienne's Quest (USA) Mazer (USA) MegaRace (USA) Myst (USA) Need for Speed, The (USA, Europe) Night Trap (USA) (Disc 1) Night Trap (USA) (Disc 2) Novastorm (USA) Off-world Interceptor (USA, Europe) Olympic Soccer (USA) Panzer General (USA, Europe) PaTaank (USA, Europe) Pebble Beach Golf Links (USA) Perfect General, The (USA) PGA Tour 96 (USA...

12. Basho's Frogger - "Pataphysical Software Company

  • Bevat niet: roll | Resultaten tonen met:roll

  • Basho's Frogger was produced as a response to Derek Beaulieu's ((plop)), a manuscript of Basho translations.

13. [PDF] Lista de jogos Game Stick 4k.xlsx -

  • SD Battle Oozumou - Heisei Hero Basho (Japan). 8991. Super International ... Frogger's Adventures - Temple of the Frog(US). 3060 DRAGON BALL Z 3. 6469.

14. Reynatis Review -

  • 10 okt 2024 · Basho Battles (1), Basil (Dragon Ball) Battles (1), Basil Battles (1) ... Frogger Battles (2), Frost Giant Hrimthurs Battles (1), Frostbite ...

  • All right, it’s time for one of the big games that was getting a lot of hype around the bend. Yes, the season is stacked so it started to get overshadowed to a degree by other big titles like…

Reynatis Review -

15. My Translation of Basho's Most Famous Poem (the one ... - TsukuBlog

  • Bevat niet: roll | Resultaten tonen met:roll

  • This haiku poem by Matsuo Basho :  FURUIKE YA KAWAZU TOBIKOMU MIZU NO OTO (古池や蛙飛こむ水のおと) is not only the Saint of Haiku’s best known work (on an international level) but it is probably the mos…

My Translation of Basho's Most Famous Poem (the one ... - TsukuBlog
Basho's Frogger Roll (2025)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.